There is absolutely nothing wrong with staying at home with the kids. After all, kids are a 24/7 job. On the other hand, if you want to stay at home, there are many people who still would like to have their own money for personal reasons.
Some people may want it so they feel like less of a burden. Others would like to buy things that their spouse doesn't disapprove of, but it is not in the budget or may have to make another sacrifice.
Then, there the need for extra income while you are unemployed, paying off credit card debt, saving for a down payment on a home, or saving to start a business. Whatever your reason is, there are a LOT of ways to make money on the internet or while your children are around.
I am able to care for my children, cook, clean, AND bring in some extra income between it all. We get free dinners, gift cards, and all sorts of other free things! PLUS I easily pull in a couple hundred bucks a month extra. I don't even have to go anywhere I don't normally go! I NEVER paid a fee for any of the stuff I do. In fact, I am evaluating my first investment into an online business right now, and will update you on that shortly (and I will recommend it or not only at that time).
How do I do this? Well, there is not just one way I do this, and there are a few things I must say before I go any further:
1. The income potential is MUCH higher than I am giving you. The main reason: this doesn't count referrals. Until now, I never went public with what I do.
2. You do NOT HAVE to pay anything to make money online, but it is hard work. It doesn't come overnight, but the rewards can be life changing.
3. I did not add anything to this list you need any special skills for. I left these out intentionally. So there is no blogging, web page design, etc. required for these programs.
I am working hard to get a list together to help anyone make some money online in their spare time. Imagine a $50 check each month for just doing some computer work while you are cooking dinner. If you are like me, fifty bucks is an extra 600 per year.
You can find this list HERE