Saturday, February 5, 2011

Advantages of a Big Family

There are SO many advantages to having a big family. First of all, every child after the first is "cheaper" so to speak. Clothes can be passed down, you get multi child discounts, and adding another is NOTHING like having your first. If you are a stay at home mom, formula and diapers are your largest investment.

Being from a large family is good for the kids. We rarely have problems that single children families have. The kids are brought up sharing. While there are bouts of jealousy, we rarely have temper tantrums for things they want after the age of 2 or so. All of the children are more self sufficient than many.

Being a blended family, we have 3 big boys, 14,11, and 8 (my 14 year old stepson lives with his mother out of state), and 2 little boys- 17 months and 5 months. The little guys never miss out on attention as there are 4 people to cater to them, and the big guys love having their baby brothers around. The big boys will be family men when they grow up because they already know how to take care of children.

With 5 boys, if one needs help, there are 4 more that will be there for them. When we get old, chances are much better one will be around to help us too. We spend about as much as my sister spends on her child as we do on all four, if not less, due to me being a stay at home mom, and when I was working, we worked opposite shifts. Daycare is very cost prohibitive. This is the biggest consideration when you decide to have children. If you do not have to pay for daycare, there are more advantages to having a large family than disadvantages.

Watching your children grow and thrive is a great thing. I would not have my family any smaller if given the chance. Lots of kids are lots of fun and lots of love.

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