OK, so you are not going to change your life in a week, but you can get headed in the right direction! Can you really change your life with no money? The answer is YES and NO. You CAN change your life with just a little effort.
If you are at home during the day with kids or without, by choice or by force, utilize your free time! If you are at home watching a movie, why not do some paid clicking on your laptop? How about a survey while you are cooking dinner or looking after the children? Maybe starting a free blog here on blogger or write articles. Watch your neighbor's child. There are so many sites on how to make money online and offline that I am not going to put one on here, however I do keep a list of all of my sources, and would be happy to share my list with anyone interested (just send a request and an email address. Choose your own path. Aim for $10 a day of just "extra money". Every day, this is about $300 per month. It is certainly not going to pay your bills, but it is not intended to. This is LIFE money. This is to give you a better life. This $300 per month can pay off your car sooner, your credit cards, student loans, whatever is there. This is a great step to a better lifestyle.
If you have no debt, congrats! I highly recommend you check out the peer lending sites. I use Lending Club for any money that I am saving for 3-5 years. I constantly reinvest into new loans, and keep track of what I am yielding a month. I do this along with paying off debt, as I like to have the money there for an emergency. The advantage to lending club, is if you get into a tight position, you can sell your loans on a trading platform. In the meantime, the yield is excellent! Check it out! This is my FUTURE money. This is put aside for once I get our family's bills under control. This is to use to further our ability to save money on bills that NEVER get paid off (utilities, food, clothes, taxes, etc.).
Right now, this is also serving as my "business account". It will fund my side business, which I do not want to put any effort or money into until we cut down our other debt.
The "$10 a day strategy" has had a significant impact on our lives. It has allowed us to save some money along with making me feel productive and it is wonderful to not only contribute to the household by cooking and taking care of the kids, but financially also.
Then there is the "minimum wage dilemma" many parents face. I will tell you, I have a family member that has 1 child, and she ONLY works for medical insurance, daycare, and taxes. Her husband has insurance, but hers is $60 cheaper for the family. So essentially, she makes $60 per month working. This strategy may work for you to supplement your income enough to stay home with your children.
Your initial goal? $10 a day. If you make more, pat yourself on the back. This small amount can give you a SOLID future. It is all about multiplying this savings and saving what you multiply it into.
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